Monday, July 28, 2008

The Change

Today was a big day in my life. I have a new view on life. I don't know if you have ever been to District Assembly but it contains most of the business of the Church of the Nazarene. One of the best parts of the business for me is the report of the District Superintendent. Every year the DS gives a inspiring report/sermon. This year he spoke about how busy we are "doing" church. He spoke about how we allow church to get in between us and God. I was extremely convicted by God about this. For too long I have put the church and my personal life above God. I don't really know what to say, but I have decided to rearrange my lifes priorities permenantly. Many times in the past I have started down this path and along the way I have failed, but by the grace and power of God I will be carried through to the end. Please pray for me anytime you think of me.


Emily said...

I'm praying for you, friend. I think your point (and the DS') are well founded. I need to rearrange the priorities in my life as well... thanks for the blog!

Andy Lauer said...

Thanks for sharing.

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

I just want you to know that I struggle with this too...

and I can't believe I didn't know you had a blog!

Unknown said...

I will so be praying for will be hard and there will always be people who want you to do something different or to put their needs above your need to worship God. I pray that God will give you the grace to not let others force their priorities on you...even if it's me! :-)

When you get a chance, you should read "In The Name of Jesus" by Henri Nouwen - I could loan it to you if you don't want to buy it!

Keith said...

Probably be cheaper to buy me a copy than to send it to me:) jus kidding. I will check it out.