Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Things I Can't Stand

I really dislike it when professional sports teams blackout their event because they "didn't sell out the event. It doesn't make sense to me. They are punishing the potential customers by not allowing them to see the event that they want them to attend. When I go to a place that I love like ... Cold Stone Creamery... They let me see their product before I buy it. They display it proudly (and deliciously?) as if they are really trying to get me to purchase it. They are really trying to make me, the customer, happy. They even go the extra step to make sure that I like it before I buy it. They offer me a mini scoop to try...brilliant.
Also, about these pro sport people. I understand that they do this to try and get people to attend the games instead of watching them on T.V. Well, there might be a reason why the average family man doesn't attend many games.
Current cost of the cheapest seats at Chicago Bears Soldier Field -$68
Current available seating at any cost (mostly higher) - 61,500
Total income from 1 game if every ticket was $61 (tickets only) = $4,182,000.00
Total home games = 8
Total 1 season income = $33,456,000.00

Here is the cost for attending a game at Soldier Field. (2 Adults, 2 children)

Tickets = $272
Parking = $20
Food (5 hot dogs 3 drinks (kids share) = $32.50(prices based on recent Cincinnati Reds game)
Gas - 3.70
Gas Cost = $44.00
Total Cost for attending the game = $368.50

Well, I can definitely see why people choose to stay home and watch the game on cable that they are paying for anyway. That's what I'll be doing. Go Bears.


Emily said...

Haha! Word... ;-)

Heather said...

At least you aren't bitter!